Study on the use of market, sales and marketing key performance indicators in europe, for products of additive manufacturing processes, in particular 3d printing

Alfred Tieber
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Additive manufacturing processes – particularly 3D printing – have experienced a huge amount of development in recent years. New fascinating studies and research reports are published on a daily basis. Additive manufacturing processes will represent one of the leading production technologies of our time in the coming years. However, the extent to which current studies also take into consideration a comprehensive market assessment of necessary sales, market and marketing key performance indicators has not yet been scientifically established in detail. Secondary research is to enable the current state of the technology in this field to be determined. Based on the findings of the literature review, a recommendation shall be developed regarding whether an in-depth study using primary research methods seems appropriate. This potential subsequent study should establish the suitable and effective use of sales, market and marketing key performance indicators that can be used to enable a comprehensive assessment of the market potential, market volumes and sales opportunities for products of 3D printing in Europe. These insights should allow a conclusive statement with respect to the market opportunities available to small and medium-sized enterprises across industries in Europe for 3D-printed products.

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