Effective infrastructure planning for teacher education institutions is one factor that creates positive and conducive atmosphere for a student’s learning. Be it a theory or a practical class, it must encourage students to get actively involved. Classrooms are the backbone of any education institution. Classrooms must also be well equipped with the latest technology like AV systems, projectors, and Wi-Fi, hotspots. The library is a resource for any educational institution. It has an important role to play in both learning and teaching. Libraries must also be flexible to incorporate technologies like e-library, digital books, access to central library and libraries across the campus in various locations. The main areas that have been taken into account in this research paper significance of physical infrastructure, maintenance of infrastructure, environmental issues associated with infrastructure,library as learning resource,ICT as learning resource, the support facilities on the campus, other than those reflected in the key aspects pertaining to infrastructure and learning resources, The present research falls under the purview of quantitative research and hence quantitative methods, such as data collection, analysis, comparison, tabulation and illustration, are used. Among 48 randomly selected colleges of education, I received replies from 19 colleges of education only, and the same data are taken for granted for analysis.