Wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems in the srikakulam district and its play a vital role in flood control, aquifer recharge, nutrient absorption and erosion control. . In addition, wetlands provide home for a huge diversity of fishes. The Indian fish fauna is divided into two classes, viz., Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes. The Chondrichthyes are represented by 131 species under 67 genera, 28 families and 10 orders in the Indian region (Kar el al, 2000). The Indian Osteichthyes are represented by 2,415 species belonging to 902 genera, 226 families and 30 orders,birds, mammals, frogs, insects and plants (Buckton, 2007).Thus the wetlands help in maintaining biodiversity of fauna. Fourt six (46) fish species of fishes were collected during a systematic survey of 54 wetlands in srikakulam district in andrapradesh state, during the study period from April 2013 to March 2014. Based on this survey and on literature review I was prepared a checklist with 46 species , economic classification , statistical reports and threats of srikakulam district welands. The present study indicates importance of the icthyofauna of wetlands. In view of the degradation of wetlands more complete detailed studies and conservation measures should be necessary for sustainable ecosystems in the district srikakulam.