Laboratory evaluation of Moringa oleifera seeds in the management of water hardness

Alarape Ahmed Bolaji
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This study investigated the possible use of Moringa oleifera seed for the softening of hard water in a rural endemic community. Three water sources; Well water, Bore hole water, River water at different locations in Ijoun town were used for the study. Complexometric titration test procedures for coagulation studies were used for the experimental runs. Water hardness from the sources varied from 40 up to 152 mg/L as CaCO3. The Moringa oleifera seed dosage of 50mg/L, 100mg/l and 200mg/L was administered at 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 25 minutes, 12 hours and 24 hours respectively. Reduction in hardness was noticed at each dosage level and time of application. The suggested mechanism for softening was by conversion of soluble hardness-causing ions to insoluble products by precipitation reactions. Removal efficiency was found to increase with increasing dosage of Moringa oleifera for the river and Borehole water but the case is different for the well water that has a very high level of residual hardness. Higher dosages were required to achieve equivalent residual hardness for water samples with the same initial hardness but higher number of hardness causing species in the water. Hardness removal was found to be independent of pH of the raw water samples.

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