Higher education overview and society: a research report

Prof. Dr. Naveen .H. Simon, Abhishek S.Lachyan and Liji Chaudhary
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In ancient India, the educational system was developed in terms of the needs of individual and that of the society and at present it is the largest system of its kind in the world. As the pace of educational system changed quickly within no time due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic which drastically disrupted every aspects of human life including education and to cope up with rest of the other countries and impart education at a functional level,the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have also reacted positively and managed to ensure the continuity of teaching-learning, research and service to the society with some tools and techniques during the pandemic, in the context certain methodology were adopted and used various user-friendly software tools and apps like Google class room, Google Meet and Zoom, WhatsApp, e-content etc. for online Classes.We have also used software’s with inbuilt features for conducting virtual class rooms for video conferencing besides registering in SWAYAM initiated by the Government of India which seeks to bridge the untrodden digital revolution to theunprivileged aspirant students of our Country.

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