Water in the nature, either surface or underground water (flow or stagnant) represent an important element of the nature basis; they determine not only the appearance of a province, but also the value of every territory. Kosovo has a hydrographic net, mainly autochthonous expressing its natural borders and located at the top of Balkan Peninsula precipitation, not by the quantity but for the direction of the flows. Atmospheric precipitations flow in direction of the three following seas: Black Sea, Adriatic Sea, and Aegean Sea that define the Balkan Peninsula. The hydrographic joint where is caused interlacement of the three sea waters of Balkan Peninsula is situated in the western part of Ferizaj in the Dërman hillock (1.364m) and slopes of this hillockare in rivers: Sitnica, Nerodime and Toplluga. As I am describing about Nerodime River, I should mention that the municipality of Kaqanik is situated in the southern part of Kosovo, located between the range of Sharr Mountain and Karadak - Skopje. Thus, Nerodime River is the left branch of Lepenc River, its source is from the eastern part of Jezerc mountain of 1.660 m above the sea level and containing from several small rivers as Big and Small Rivers. Flow direction from the source up to Ferizaj is South – East, whereas from Ferizaj up to the discharge point North-South. The upper flow part up to lower Nerodime village throaty, while the river passes through Nerodime field, at the southern part of Ferizaj of Varosh village is close to the railway Kaqanik-FushëKosovë, passes under the highway Skopje –Prishtinë and 2 km in the southern part of Stagovë village enters again in the throaty up to the discharge point in Kaqanik of 465m above the sea level. In the flat part, Nerodime River receives two bigger ravines: Pleshina and Gaqka, while in the throaty many flooding ravines such as: Runjeva and Tërsteniku. It is important to emphasize that Nerodime River is a small river but with huge hydrographic importance because is a very well-known river in the worldfor its bifurcation (second case in the world) after Kasikijara River which is located in the South America, where a part of Nerodime River discharges in Sitnica while the other part in Lepenc River, so that this small river “feeds” with water the two following seas: Aegean Sea and Black Sea. In the Nerodime dam there is no solid erosive processes, but from the slant surfaces of the dam comes to the permanent drainage of the cramped material. Ability flow of water of the bottom of Nerodime River is small, so that huge waters in the flat part with severe curves and small gravitation often comes the situation where water comes out of the bottom river where flood often causes huge material damages and do not allow to use agricultural lands.